More than just a place to talk...
The Ealing Parent Carer Forum (EPCF) is much more than just a place to talk and share views.
It is now properly recognised and demonstrated in the SEND reforms that we, the parents and carers of children with additional needs, are the real experts in deciding what care and support our children and young adults need.
It is enshrined in the Childrens and Families Act 2014 that the local authority must have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child, young person and parent/carer in relation to care and service provision and that they should be fully enabled to participate in decisions relating to those services. In essence this means your voice can, indeed must, be listened to by your local authority – Ealing Council.
By bringing together our collective experiences and views in the Ealing Parent and Carer Forum we can focus on solutions and work in partnership with service providers to improve support and care for our children and young people.
To bring those views and experience together we need you to become a member of the Forum. See our membership page where you can simply complete a short form to join us.
As a member you can choose to:
- Just receive useful news and information. You needn’t attend meetings. We hope you will find the information we provide very useful.
- Receive news and information and share your views in surveys and focus groups at a level you are comfortable with.
To find out exactly how the forum is organized and run click here (PDF)

How we influence service provision in Ealing